
15 November 1953, Volume 3 Issue 4

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    Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1953, 3(4): 261-290.
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    We describe in this paper a general method of deducing from homo-topy invariants of spaces or systems of spaces invariants of a finitepolyhedron which are invariants of the topological type of the polyhedronbut are in general not invariants of homotopy type.It is shown that thebetti numbers of a finite polyhedron may be expressed in terms of suchnew type invariants but,as is evident,not vice versa.It follows thatthese new type invariants are of more fundamental character than at leastthose classical invariants like betti numbers.
    Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1953, 3(4): 291-315.
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    Considering homologies in grassmannian manifolds,Pontrjagin in-troduced in 1942 a system of characteristic classes with integral coefficientsfor any sphere bundle among which a system of classes of dimension4k(k≧0)are of particular importance and will be called Pontrjaginclasses of the bundle.Little was known about the properties of theseclasse.Particularly it seems to be very difficult to give a completeanswer to the question about the topological invariance of Pontrjaginclasses of a differentiable manifold.However,a partial answer may begiven which will at least throw some light on the difficulties of thisproblem.The present paper is rather a preparatory one which givessome alternative intrinsic definitions of Pontrjagin classes.These defini-tions,easier to handle than the origmal one,will serve as the startingpoint of our studies on the problem of topological invariance.
    Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1953, 3(4): 316-327.
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    In this paper an equation relating to the mathematical model ofturbulence is studied,namely the quasi-linear parabolic differentialequation.(?)The main results are as follow:1.A complete investigation of the simrlarity solutions of eq.(1)ismade.If the distribution function of u is Gaussian,then the distributionfunction of (?)is definitely skewed.2.The equation(1)is then transformed to a linearized heat equa-tion.The radiation problem is analyzed,and the solution is proved tobe unique.3.A particular example of the radiation problem is given and theconditions under which the non-linear solution approaches the correspond-ing linearized solution are studied.
    Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1953, 3(4): 328-342.
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    The gradient of a scalar function is a vector pointing to the directionof steepest ascent of the function and its magnitude is the rate of ascentin that direction.In this paper,this property is used to devise a methodof successive approximations for solving a system of simultaneous equa-tions of any type.This method is therefore called the gradient method.Let the given simultaneous equations bew_i=w_i(x_1,x_2,……,x_n)=0,i=1,2,……,n,and let Q be the magnitude of the vector W=(W_1,W_2,……,W_n),then theformula of successive approximations obtained is(?)where X_1 is the trial vector,its magnitude being Q_1,and X_2 is the nextapproximation reached.When used to solve a system of n linear equations,it is proved thatsuccessive approximations by the gradient method converge monotonicallyto the solution.Each approximation requires only about 2/n!of the totalwork of solving the same problem by Cramer's Rule.Hence for large n,this method can be used with advantage.When used to find conjugate complex roots of an algebraic equation,the gradient method is Newton's method.When used to find the coef-ficients of a quadratic factor of a quartic form,the gradient method hasbeen found to be also successful.
    Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1953, 3(4): 343-357.
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    Norgen has given a definition of conjugate pairs of connections G_(jk)~i,Γ_(jk)~iin an affinely connected space X_n,based upon a given polarity h_(ij)at anypoint in X_n.Two directions v~i and w~j are said to be conjugate if theysatisfy the following condition:b_(ij)v~iw~i=0.If these conjugate directions,when parallelly displaced along a curveL under the connections G_(jk)~i,Γ_(jk)~i respectively,remain to be conjugate thenG_(jk)~i and Γ_(jk)~i are defined as conjugate connections with respect to the tensorb_(ij).The aim of this paper is to extend Norgen's results to a set of m con-nections and then to establish some analogous theorems.Given m connections (?)and a symmetric psendo-tensorb_(i_1i_2…i_m) in an affinely connected space X_n,we define that m directionsv_(1)~i,…,v_(m)~i are m-conjugate if they satisfy the condition(?)Now let each direction v_(k)~i be parallelly displaced under the connec-tion(?)(k=1,2,…,m)and along a common curve L;these connections(?)are defined to be m-conjugate if the displaced directions of(?)thus obtained remain to be m-conjugate.The notion of mixed covariant diffrentiation is generalized to thecase of m-coniugate connections.The main results of the present paper are as follows: 1.Given(m-1)connections(?)and a symmetric pseudo-tensor b_(i_1i_2…i_m);if we can determine the mth connection(?)such that(?)are m-conjugate with respect to b_i_1i_2…i_m,then the integer m isto satisfy the condition(?)2.The tensor b_(i_1i_2…i_m) must satisfy the generalized Codazzi equa-tions(?)where ▽_s b_(i_1i_2…i_m)r denotes the covariant differentiation with regard toconnection Γ,and[ ]the sign of antisymmetrization.3.If(?)are connections without torsion,then the Rieman-nian curvature tensor R_(jki)~l and b_(i_1i_2…i_m) obey the relations(?)Especially we obtain:When the assigned(m-1)connections in X_n(n>2)are euclidean,then also is the mth connection which forms an m-conjugate set with theassigned.