
15 October 1978, Volume 21 Issue 4

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  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1978, 21(4): 289-301.
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    This paper continues to study the theory of the first paper by the author with symbols and notions appearing in this paper the same as in the first one if not specially stated. In order to state our main results, we first introduce some notions.An ideal a is called hypernilpotent, if there exists a finite number of positive intergers n_1, n_2,…, n_r such that a~(n1,n2,…,nr)=0.It is proved that a is hypernilpotent if and only if a is solvable, i.e. there exists an integer m ≥0 such that a~((m)) = 0.From the concept of hypernilpotent we can now define a radieal as follows: First, we can see easily that the union of all the hypernilpotent ideals of a non-associative and non-distributive ring R (briefly NAD-ring) may not be hypernilpotent. Furthermore, R may have hypernilpotent ideals. Let be the ideals of R such that is the union of all the hypernilpotent ideals of R In general, for every ordinal a which is not a limit ordinal, we define to be the ideal of R such that is the union of all the hypernilpotent ideals of R if a is a limit ordinal, we define In this way we obtain an ascending chain of ideals We may consider the smallest ordinal τ such that This ideal we shall call the radical of R.Definition 1: An NAD-ring R is called semi-simple,if the radicalThen we can state the following structure theorem.Theorem i: Let R be an NAD-ring with ascending chain condition (briefly a.e.e.) of ideals. Suppose that every prime ideal of R is maximal and R~2= R. ThenR is semi-simple if and only if R = R_1⊕R_2⊕... ⊕R_r,where R_i are non-nilpotent ideals which are simple rings.Theorem 2: Let R be a semi-simple NAD-ring with a. c.c. on ideals of R, then the following conditions are equivalent (i) R can be expressed uniquely as R= R_1⊕R_2⊕... ⊕R_r apart from the order of the R_i, where R_i are n on-nilpotent ideals which are simple rings.(ii) R~2= R, and every prime ideal is maximal.(iii) R~2= R, and every principle ideal (a) of R can be expressed uniquely as R_(i1)⊕R_(i2)⊕…⊕R_(is),where R_(ij) are non-nilpotent ideals, which are simple rings.If one of these prepositions holds, then so does the following.(i) every ideal a of R is principal and a~2 = a.(ii) every prime ideal p can be expressed uniquely as P_i = R_1⊕R_2⊕…⊕R_(i-1) ⊕R_(i+1)⊕…⊕R_r,i = i, 2…, r.(iii) the number of ideals of R is precisely(1r)+ (2r)+…+(rr)while the number of proper prime ideals of R is precisely r.Definition 2: The W-ascending chain conidtion (briefly w- a.c.c.) on ideals of R is said to hold in R, if for a given ascending chain on ideals a_1 a_2 …a_n … there exists a finite number of positive integers n_1,…,n-r and n such that W~(n1,…,nr)∩a_n= W~(n1,…,nr,)∩a_(n+1)=… where W = ∪ a_i.It is clear that every ring satisfying a. c.c. on ideals also satisftes w- a. c.c. on ideals.Theorem 3: The conclusions of theorems 1 and 2 are still valid, if NAD-ring satisfies w-a.c.c, on ideals and a.c.c. (i.e. descending chain condition) on ideals of R instead of a.c.c, on ideals of R.Definition 3: Let m be an ideal of R. An ideal a is called m-hypernilpotent,if there exists a finite number of positive integers n_,…,n_r such that a~(n1,…,nr)m. Otherwise a is called m-nonhypernilpotent.Theorem 4 : Let R be an NAD-ring with w- a. c. c. on ideals then we have the following results: (i) If m is an ideal, then there exists a semi-prime ideal p containing m such that every principal ideal (a) contained in p is m-hypernilpotent. Hence every semiprime ideal p containing m must cantain p.In this case we will say that p is m-semiprime.(ii) If a is an m-nonhypernilpotent ideal, then there exexists at least one anonhypernilpotent prime ideal p_a such that p_a m and that p_a≥p≥m implies p_a=p, where p is prime.In this case we will say that p_a is m-prime.(iii) every m-semiprime ideal p can be expressed as an intersection of m-prime ideals. If R satisfies a.c.c, on ideals, then p=p_1 ∩…∩ p_r where p_i are prime ideals, and then there exist two finite sets of positive integers n_1,…,m_t and k_(1,…,) k_s respectively such that p~(m1,…,m_t) m p~(k,…,k_s
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1978, 21(4): 302-312.
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    By use of a set of (s-4)/2 mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order s with certain property (if such a set exists), a new family of two class association schemes is constructed, having parameters ν=s~2, n_1=(s-2)(s+1)/2, p_(11)~1=(s-4)(s+2)/4, p_(11)~2=s(s-2)/4. These association schemes are called partially Latin squares type association schemes and denoted by PL_((s-4)/2)(s).Some partially balanced incomplete block designs based on these association schemes are also obtained.
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1978, 21(4): 313-326.
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    1. Consider the comparision theorem of the qualities of solutions of two-dimensional non-autonomous systems. These qualities, boundedness, stability, stability in the large, etc., are determined by two-dimensional autonomous systems.With the theorem. more tools, such as Poincare-Bendixson theory, can be indirectly put to use in twodimensional non-autonomous systems.2. We give a general theorem on non-autonomous system, the trival solution of which is stable in the large.3. Consider the equations: x+ q(t, x, x)f(x)(x)x + g(x)h(x) = 0 x+ q(t, x, x)f(x)x + p(t)g(x) = e(t, x, x) x+ A(t, x, x)x + g(x)h(x) = 0 x+ [f(x) + h(x)x]x + p(t)g(x) = 0 etc. We give sufficient and necessary conditions of the trivial solution that is stable in the large.The method given in this paper can also be adopted to carry out reseaches into other qualities in the large of equations with variable coefficients such as boundedhess, momotonicity, and the tendency of all solutions towards zero. Its main use lies in helping loosen the requirements and obtain sufficient and necessary conditions.
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1978, 21(4): 327-346.
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    Let K be an N- dimenstonal CW-complex. n = N-2.We haw Steenrod square Sq~2:H~m(K, Z) → H~(m+2)(K, Z_2).Now we consider the groups: Ker Sq~2(H~n(K, Z)), Coker Sq~2=H~(n+1)(K,Z_2)/Sq~2 H~(n-1)(K,Z), and Coker Φ= a factor group of H~(n+2)(K, Z_2). where Φ is the Adem secondary operation.Denote the p-prinary component of group G by G_((p)) and m_G={g|mg=0}.Ker Sq_((2))~2Then ker Sq_((2))~2=2_1~l Ker Sq~2 ker Sq~2. On 2~lk Ker S_q~2, we have cohomology operations T_2~((2))(k): 2~lk Ker Sq~2→Coker Sq~2, k=1,…,r.Each operation T_2~((2))(k) has the property T_2~((2))(k)|2~lt Ker Sq~2 = 0, k
  • Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series. 1978, 21(4): 347-362.
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    This paper gives the criteria of uniform optimum and grouping E optinmm for the design matrix of discrete experiments in the linear model theory, and finds out the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of uniform optimum design matrix. It is proved that the orthogonal designs and BIB designs are grouping Eoptimum design and E optimum design. The methods presented in this paper can be well applied to non-discrete experiments with corresponding results.