
Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series 鈥衡�� 1998, Vol. 41 鈥衡�� Issue (6): 0-0+0.DOI: 10.12386/A1998sxxb0179

鈥� 璁烘枃 鈥�    

Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems for Several Unknown Functions Vector in Clifford Analysis

Sha HUANG(1);Hong Bing JIAO(1)   

  1. Huang Sha; Jiao Hongbing; Qiao Yuying; Chen Zhenguo (Department of Mathematics, Hebei Teacher 's University, Shi Jiazhuang 050016, China)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-06-15 Published:1998-06-15
  • Contact: Sha HUANG



  1. 娌冲寳甯堣寖澶у鏁板绯�!鐭冲搴�,050016,娌冲寳甯堣寖澶у鏁板绯�!鐭冲搴�,050016,娌冲寳甯堣寖澶у鏁板绯�!鐭冲搴�,050016,娌冲寳甯堣寖澶у鏁板绯�!鐭冲搴�,050016
  • 閫氳浣滆��: 榛勬矙

Abstract: Letting fi(x), i = 1,..., p be function with value in a Clifford algebra An(R). we call F(x) = (f1, f2,.... fp) function vector, where f1, f2,..., fp are vector components for F(x). In this paper, by thinking of the vector-valued analysis, we discuss a four elements nonlinear boundary value problem for several unknown functions vector with shifts and conjugate and a corresponding linear boundary problem.Applying the method of integral equations and Shauder fixed-point theorem and contract mapping theorem, we prove the existence of solution for the nonlinear problem and the existence and uniqueness for the linear problem.

鎽樿锛� 璁緁i锛坸锛夛紝1鈮鈮涓哄彇鍊煎湪瀹�2n锛�1缁翠唬鏁癆n锛圧锛変笂鐨勫嚱鏁帮紟鎴戜滑绉癋锛坸锛夛紳锛坒1锛宖2锛�...锛宖p锛変负鍑芥暟鍚戦噺锛岃�宖i锛�1鈮鈮涓哄悜閲廎鐨勫垎閲忥紝鏈枃鍊熷姪浜庡悜閲忓�煎垎鏋愮殑鎬濇兂锛屽埄鐢ㄧН鍒嗘柟绋嬫柟娉曘�丼hauder涓嶅姩鐐瑰師鐞嗗拰鍘嬬缉鏄犲皠鍘熺悊鐮旂┒澶氫釜鏈煡鍑芥暟鐨勫嚱鏁板悜閲廎甯︿綅绉诲張甯﹀叡杞�肩殑鍥涘厓绱犻潪绾挎�ц繃鍊奸棶棰樿В鐨勫瓨鍦ㄦ�у拰鐩稿簲绾挎�ц竟鍊奸棶棰樿В鐨勫瓨鍦ㄥ敮涓�鎬э紟

鍏抽敭璇�: 濂囧紓绉垎鏂圭▼, 闈炵嚎鎬ц竟鍊奸棶棰�, 鍚戦噺, 浣嶇Щ, Clifford鍒嗘瀽

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